Saturday, September 22, 2012

A Deep Breath & A New Blog

Beginning a blog has been something lurking on my mental To Do list for a long time, stuffed in the back of my mind where a nagging voice hangs out, constantly reminding me of all the things I've meant to do each day- and pointing out how little was actually accomplished.  After I had both my kids, the voice grew louder and I find I'm hard on myself rather than looking at all the little things I achieve in a day.

Today, for instance, I should probably view the fact that my children were fed a real breakfast and didn't wear their PJs all day as a check off that list.  Instead, I spent most of the afternoon downing on myself about the small number of photos taken, and fretting that my son decided to take a half hour nap, leaving me no time to list anything new in the shop. 

But then Jonas, who just turned a year last month, walks up to me with a goofy grin and hugs my arm with toddler strength and I remember it's worth it.

And so here I am, a budding new blogger, ready to share all the (hopefully) interesting tid bits about my shop, my life and most likely, quite a bit about my kids.  Fingers crossed, I will actually learn a bit about this blogging business and make it more my own. 

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